Course curriculum

  • 1

    Turn Your Soft Skills Into Superpowers

    • Turn Your Soft Skills Into Superpowers

    • Selling Luxury - The Money-Making Secrets of Top Agents

    • Uncommon Mindset - How to Unlock Your Greatest Potential

    • FREE Social Media Strategies Proven to Grow Your Business

    • Core Law - Avoiding the Danger Zone

    • Can You Still Trust Your Gut? Investing in an Uncertain Future

    • How a Remarkable Customer Can Be Your Best Sales and Marketing Strategy

    • How to Create Videos People Will Watch!

    • Proven Strategies to Create Irresistible Listing Presentations

    • Think It Through - Florida Realtors New Professional Standards Training Tool featuring Mike Bruno, Patty Renna, Joel Maxson and Marcia Tabak (moderated by Shannon Allen)

    • Code of Ethics - Recent Updates and More

    • How to Become a Negotiation Rock Star

    • 6 Surprising Linkedin Tips to Help You Grow Your Real Estate Business

    • What's the Price? What's the Value? What's the Difference?

    • Game-Changing Video Marketing Ideas (That Are Actually Easy)

    • Finding Unlisted Inventory in a Fast-Moving Market

    • Must-Have Mobile Tools That Will Revolutionize the Way You Work

    • Crypto Currency, Bitcoin and Blockchain - What Does the Future Look Like for Real Estate?

    • Top Tech Tools Every Realtor Needs

    • Discover Your 'Fair Advantage' by Being Your Own Unique Brand

    • How to Run with the Big Dogs in Commercial Real Estate

    • Closing Session: Legal Update & Market Outlook